Description of Research
Descriptive research is a form of research that aimed to describe your facts are there, both natural phenomena and man-made phenomena. Phenomena that can be a form, activities, characteristics, changes, relationships, similarities, and differences between the phenomena that one with the other phenomena (Sukmadinata, 2006:72). Descriptive research is to try to describe your research and interpret the things, misalnyakondisi or existing relationships, a growing opinion, the process is in progress, or due to the effect that occurred, or about the ongoing kecendrungan.
Furchan (2004:447) explains that the research is descriptive research designed to obtain information about the status of a phenomenon when the research is done. Further explained, in the descriptive research that there is no treatment is given or no test and hypothetical, as in the research eksperiman.
1.Descriptive Characteristics of Research
Descriptive research has characteristics such as raised Furchan (2004) that (1) descriptive research cendrung describe a phenomenon as is the way examine regularly-tight, the obyektivitas, and done carefully. (2) the absence of treatment or is given, and (3) the absence of a hypothetical test.
2. Types of Descriptive Research
Furchan (2004:448-465) explains, some type of descriptive research, namely, (1) case study, namely, an intensive investigation of the individual, and / or social unit that carried out in depth to find all the important variables on the development of individual or social unit is examined. In this research possible finding things unexpected and can be used to create hypothetical. (2) Surveys. Studies of this type of study is collecting data from a relatively limited cases a relatively large amount. The goal is to collect information on variables and not on individuals. Based on space lingkupnya (census or sample survey) and subyeknya (the real or not real), census can be grouped into several categories, namely: census of the things that real census of the things that are not evident, the sample survey on the the real thing, and sample surveys on matters that are not real. (3) development of the study. This research study is conducted to obtain information that can be trusted how nature children in various age, how differences in their levels of age, and how they grow and develop. This is usually done with the method of longitudinal and cross-sectional method. (4) follow-up study, ie, studies that investigate the development of the subject after a given treatment or conditions, or have certain conditions. (5) documentary analysis. This study is often called analisi content can also be used to investigate the sociological and psychological variables. (6) trend analysis. Namely, the analysis dugunakan to predict the future trends of the correct-trends that occur. (7) correlation study. Namely, the type of descriptive research that aims to set the size of the relationship between the variables examined.
A. Introduction
Based on the Education Unit Level Curriculum, one of the goals of learning English in the Secondary School (SMP) is to develop the ability to communicate in English verbally and written. Similarly, the high school level is the ability of the trust must diembang by the teacher as a facilitator in learning. This includes the ability to communicate listening (listening), speaking (speaking), reading (Reading), and writing (writing). Fourth competency is expected to prepare and supply of junior high school students, high school and to continue to coordinate education level or higher to enter the working world, especially in sectors that require skills in English.
Text narrative is one of the genre that must be taught to students at the junior level, and at the high school level is more developed in the text again. Therefore the teacher should have a lot of references relating to the type of text. This is to minimize the feeling of boredom in the students and at the same time stimulating a great on the subject the students to better learn the text.
B. The narrative TEXT
What is the narrative text? Text narrative is essentially the text that told something (Cory, 2002). According Derewianka (in Mirjam Anugerahwati, 2004) narrative text aims to entertain, to get and retain the attention of readers / listeners the story. Narrative text also aims to educate, inform, the author, reflecting on the experience, and that no less importance is to develop the imagination of readers / listeners. Narrative text generally is imaginary, but there are also narrative text that is factual, the incident told the truth.
There are several types of narrative text that is often found in everyday life - the day, such as myth, legend, mystery stories, Horror stories, novelette, and short stories.
Text narrative consists of three main parts: (1) Orientation is the author of the story to depict the world, this is introduced in the where and when events happen and the leaders, (2) Complication is where the main characters face obstacles in achieving ideals - citanya, where the start komplik occur and (3) of the Resolution of the problems faced by the main character is completed. In this section have two kecendrungan, the stories end with happiness (happy ending) and end the story with or sadness (sad ending), but there is also a text narrative that leave the reader / listener to guess the end of the story.
From the point of view of language features, text narrative typically include the following:
1. Participants are often specific and individual
2. Many action verbs (materials, processes), and also have use of verbal and mental processes.
3. Usually use Past tense.
4. Many use lingking Words related to time.
5 Often, enter dialogue, will be tense and may change.
6 descriptive language used to menciptkan imaji dibenak readers.
7 can be written as the first (1), or third (he, she, they).
PURE River
Once upon a time, in a village lived a widow. She lived with two children. Their name were Upik and Buyung. Their children were very spoilt.
One day their mother wanted to visit a friend's party, but their children cried to go there too. Finally their mother allows them to go to the party. Before going there mother said to her children not to be naughty and go anywhere.
But, Buyung Upik and went to the jungle to play together without permission to their mother. They play and play until they arrived at a river. Because they were tired and thirsty so they jumped into the river and swam. The river was a Sacred river, so Upik Buyung and become a fish.
One night their mother dreamed met with her husband. Her husband said to her "Go to the river in the jungle, your children are over there." The mother went to the river in the jungle to find her children in the morning. In the river there were no anybody. She shouted loudly to call their children
"K Buyung Upiii .. .. where are you, here are your mother, I am longing to you, I wait you, I love you all" said the mother sadly.
"Mom mom ... I am here" the voice from the river. Mother scared. She looked two fishes "
"we are your children mom" said the fish.
"My children ...."
"Yes mom .. because we disobeyed your message, we played and swam in the river, now we became fish" said the fish while crying.
The mother fell sad and sad. She could not say anything. She opened her parcel, and gave to the fish (her children).
She always pray for her children, and God wishes her the receipt. The water of the river always pure, so the people called the pure river
The story above is one of the narrative text of students' work on behalf of the Sri Yuliani at the time the author taught at SMAN 1 Marioriwawo Soppeng District. It is interesting also to be developed is the ability of students to mengekplorasi level of knowledge with the students ask how to raise moral value (moral values) in the story is. Diharapakan so with the moral message, they can menghayati and practice in daily life. As a moral message presented by students of Sri Yuliani is that we should not impugn the parents (we have to obey our parents suggestions / rule). Oang old always love her children under any circumstances (The parents always love their children in any condition)
So that the story is more interesting then the teacher can recommend stories that made the students were given tesebut trappings ago ditempel in a special place as mading (magazine wall) or in Pajang diruang class. Of course this requires the management regulation and solidarity groups to study. If this is successful, then learning to texts will then be more easily applied to students.
Text narrative is one of the text that aims to entertain, to get and retain the attention of readers / listeners that good stories are factual and imaginary. There are several types of narrative text that is often found in everyday life - the day, such as myth, legend, mystery stories, Horror stories, novelette, and short stories. This text is usually the past tense form with the participant and often a specific individual.
This text also aims to educate, inform, the author, reflecting on the experience, and that no less importance is to develop the imagination of readers / pendengar.Teks narrative generally are imaginary, but there are also narrative text that is factual, that is indeed the menceritaka incident.
There are several types of narrative text that is often found in everyday life - the day, such as myth, legend, mystery stories, Horror stories, novelette, and short stories.
Furchan, A. 2004. Introduction to Research in Education. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Sukmadinata. 2006. Education Research Methods. Bandung: Rosdakarya
Cory, Hugh. 2002. Advanced Writing With English In Use. New York: Oxford University Press.
Depdiknas. 2003. Kurikulum 2004 SMA Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Direktorat Pendidikan Menengah Umum
Mirjam Anugerahwati.2004. Pembelajaran Teks Naratif. Bahan Pelatihan Terintegrasi Guru SMP.Jakarta: Direktorat Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama

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